Thursday 2 August 2012

As you were

Ha! I bet you thought it was all over, huh? That the grand plan had hit the buffers and was a smoking ruin? That some of the garden was reverting to, well, garden, and that I had a goodly store of firewood for the winter? Well, turns out we were both wrong.

Project 'Home-of-the-most-cossetted-chickens-in-all-England' is back on and we are now - after three weekends of back-breaking work - proudly revelling in the position of, er, well, where we were three weeks ago. Actually that's not fair, we are a little further as the fence is all up, the gate re-hung, all the painting finished and, wait for it, we now have a rain-water harvesting system installed (that used to be called fitting guttering and a water-butt.

We still have to fit perches and other chickeny-type stuff and there's the small matter of building an enclosed day-run so the chooks can wander freely without fear of predation. I've got some idea of how to do that - which as you'll remember is why we ended up rotating the entire shed 180 degrees in the first blimmin' place.

So here's some pictures.

See how it complements the houses behind (oh for goodness sake, Ed...). The dirt area to the right of the picture will be where the run will go, probably utilising the existing wall. I'm almost frightened to say it but that blue colour doesn't quite go with the lavender and clay scheme of the coop, but the missus doesn't read this...

And a closer view:-

Ignore the runner-bean wigwam, that's just a temporary use of the space, and I couldn't be bothered to move it as it was soaking wet, but I think it adds to the ambience. (Hmm, that blue definitely clashes...)

Now onto the window boxes and bubble fountain....

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