Have you ever got part way through a job and wished you'd never started?
We call it the 'Wednesday feeling' around here. Years ago we were replacing our kitchen, and had taken a week off work to do the job. The old kitchen was ripped out and walls prepared and plumbing and electrics laid down. We'd also decided to replace the tile floor with the then-vogueish laminate flooring. Chipping up the tiles was no problem, but the floor surface beneath was too uneven to lay the laminate on directly. There then followed two days of relentless chipping away at the worst of the bulges to even off the floor, using a hammer and cold chisel.
By the second day of this (Wednesday) despair had begun to creep in that we would never get this kitchen done. My wife refused to get up, all our other help had departed, it was just me bashing away at the same square foot of floor for hour after hour. We were exactly half-way between the old kitchen and the new kitchen, and a bleddy long way from either.
Well, we're here again. Both you and my other reader will remember how we decided to reverse the layout of the hutch-coop by simply (yeah, right) swapping the two gable ends around. This appeared to be going okay, us using the opportunity to re-paint the inaccessible sides of the hutch while it was demounted. Problem was, we would not leave alone. As that day's rain began to fall, I realised that the untreated base of the hutch was now exposed to the elements. In order to protect it I lifted it up and leant it against the wall under the shelter of the creeper growing across it. Mistake! We discovered that two of the four cross struts were rotten, and worse still the dry sand and slab base on which it stood was now very disturbed. I poked around a bit and discovered a vast network of tunnels beneath the base.
Our two rabbits - despite being afforded particularly well-appointed accommodation - much prefered the simpler life and excavated themselves a burrow underneath it all. If we ever have rabbits again I may well skip the wendy house hutch thing altogether and just dump a pile of earth in their pen and let 'em dig out their own house...
Anyway all this waffle is by way of leading up to today's update. The site now looks like this:
No, the pictures aren't out of order, that really is the view as I write this latest episode. We have gone backwards somewhat. Basically I have now created the world's biggest cat litter tray. With extensive soakaway. Our two cats demonstrated this almost within minutes of it being exposed.
Hmm, I get the feeling it's a Wednesday again, and somewhere somewhen I am pounding away hour after hour at a square foot of floor.....
We will prevail. We must, as I have a garage full of hutch sides, roof panels and fence panels revelling in three weekend's worth of painting. They're either going out the back as a coop, or out the front with a big 'For Sale' sign on 'em.
If I write no more postings then it's the latter. Feel free to make me an offer!!!